As the Technical Knowledge Manager for Responsible Sourcing, in Track Record Global’s ESG Insights and Technical Knowledge team, Lucie is an expert on timber supply chain due diligence. She holds an MSc in Sustainable Development.
Lucie’s expertise supports TRG’s European, UK and US timber clients on risk mitigation in their timber supply chains. Within TRG, Lucie owns and refines the suite of protocols used by assessors to deliver the due diligence on behalf of clients, across both regulatory requirements and clients’ corporate policies.
Over the past 18 months, a major focus for Lucie has been ensuring ‘EUDR readiness’ on behalf of TRG and those clients and suppliers to whom the new regulation applies. EUDR remains at the forefront of her activities; the potential 12-month delay to EUDR implementation to December 2025 has not lessened the need for operators and service providers to engage now with its more stringent requirements, especially around geo coordinate provision, to ensure a seamless and penalty-free transition to live when that time comes. Part of her activities will be around refinement of TRG protocols to reflect the EU’s risk categorisation of countries of production. Lucie is also engaged in building out protocols and guidelines for non-timber commodities under EUDR.